Invisible fences are advertised as being a relatively affordable, easy way to give dogs a safe access to the outdoors. However, many professional dog trainers and veterinarians have pointed out that invisible fences are actually very dangerous for dogs—not to mention ineffective. Here are some reasons why, when it comes to fencing in your dog, […]

These days, it can often seem like backyards are getting smaller and smaller, especially in highly-populated areas like we have in Charlotte. Luckily, designers in places like New York and San Francisco have long dealt with this particular challenge, and have figured out some clever ways to maximize a small outdoor space. If you have […]

If you have a dog, or are considering getting one, we highly recommend putting a fence around your property. Even a simple chain link fence, though less attractive than other options, can provide a place for your dog for exercise and play while staying safe from traffic, other animals, and strangers. Here are some more […]

If you are a dog owner, you may be considering installing an invisible fence around your property. If so, we strongly urge you to opt for a physical fence, instead, for several reasons. Firstly, invisible fences aren’t very effective at containing animals, and can even be harmful to dogs. Aside from those major problems, there […]